Wednesday, March 09, 2011

It is a Day

Long days, short nights and I wonder at the point of it all. I am honestly asking, because I am not seeing one. When does it end? At what point is enough going to be enough? When the minds and bodies of the people give out?

Saturday, May 01, 2010

One Day at a Time

Ok, so I am now following my lil sissies blog. Her and her hubby are kind of adorable.
They read together and blog together, and do a lot of little crazy random things together that are just plain all out cute.
Personally, I don't have a whole heck of a lot I can share with the world right now.
I am glad I can follow along with what my various different family members are up to via facebook, blog, or just whatever. Makes my deployment a lot easier.
I'll have a heck of a lot more to talk about come June when I get to go home and see my babies. My roomie from the states is going to try to come out and see us, which is awesome. The kiddos adore her, and I love her like a little sister.
Danielle lived with us for about a year or so, and she became a regular part of our family. It's going to be so weird when I go home and she's not living with us anymore! So a visit is much anticipated.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Time Well Spent

For once in the history of me starting this thing I'm not just putting out depressing poetry. I don't really like to write about myself overly much, but I can at least write about my munchkins and whatnot.
I miss the kiddos something fierce, but my time out here has been well spent. I payed off all my student loans, my credit cards, and a lot of random stuff that was making my credit report look bad. It has improved a LOT.
My munchins are doing well, my little one is almost two, my oldest is 8, and seems to be enjoying his time in the Boy Scouts with his friends.
My folks are doing an awesome job with them.
I have awesome friends, and an incredibly solid support base of family.

Friday, June 17, 2005



Written 6/1/05

As time slowly passes
We rise and we fall
Fates cold shadow
Over shrouds one and all.
Peace be on you.

Cross Roads

Cross Roads

Written 5/31/05

Confusion starts to dissapate
Chased away by hand of fate.
Choices show and glimmer round
Caskading by, the stars surround.
A thousand paths, they lie before
We wonder what does lie in store.
Right now we walk hand in hand
The next forked branch, the curved bend
Which will take you from my side?
Will we hold up, can we ride the tide?
Come my love, be with me
We'll walk these paths merrily.
When the fates call us to part
Know I'll hold you im my heart.
And when the tides do fall again
I'll be there waiting, times our friend.
Merry we met, and merry we'll part,
And Merry we'll meet again.



Written 5/23/05

Goddess up above me
Full in moons sweet light
Let your light stream through me
Hear me on this night.

Let your light into me
Free me up inside
Guide my steps unto you
Lead me through this life.

Light the path before me
Let me not be lost
The briars they are thick this time
The path ahead seems crossed.

Guide me through is safely
Shroud me in your light
Lift me up unto you
Teach me what is right.

I offer myself unto you
Another confused soul
As you do so will it
Let it then be so
So Mote It Be.



Written 3/28/05

Life is indecision
Games without an end
Time that's always moving
Memories and friends
Loves and loss
they come and go
Time moves on
An endless flow.

Eternal Sleep

Eternal Sleep Be Mine

Written 3/27/05

Death Death hear my plea
Simplify and come for me
Cut my wrists and watch it flow
Red the blood upon the snow.
Death is peace eternally
Come my love, set me free.

I embrace you like a lover
Endless bliss in cold dark slumber.
Unbind my chains to this mortal life
Set my soul free on it's flight.
Death Death come for me
Unbind these chains, I beg of thee.



Written 3/27/05

A million words could I say to thee
none perforce will come to me.
A thousand things I could say for true
A simple summation, I am in love with you.
Now is not the time or place,
Tis Fates chosen time to show it's face.
I may try to run, I cannot hide,
Time will see me by your side.
This isn't fair, I say it true
It's not that I don't want to be with you.
I have chains and shadows dire
I would not bring you into this mire.
Perhaps in time things will change,
But know I love you all the same.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Written August 30, 2001


Fallen, Fallen once again into a pit there seems no reprieve of.
How am I to escape, to cope with this worlds endless demons?
Adapt, How can one adapt to things unknown when new challenges ever creep to the forefront?
Change, What if I don't want to change? Trapped once again into societies endless clamour of "should be"
Smothered, Trapped beneath the expectations and beliefs of another, unable to show my own self.
Drowning, Encased in this sea of others expectations. Is this all I"m to expect from this place is the death of my soul when I came here for life?
Despair, is this all there is at the end of my struggles once again, A Void...
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